Monday, August 23, 2010

Hemlock + Brucine Set for Toxic Catalyst

Hemlock + Brucine Set, originally uploaded by raisinghell.

Nagaremon Prototype for Toxic Catalyst

Nagaremon Prototype, originally uploaded by raisinghell.

I had a few pieces in the Toxic Catalyst Show at Super7.
I was at the opening and had a great time meeting people and hanging out at Super7. Thanks go out to MonstreHero for inviting me and Super7 for hosting it. Check their website here to see what's still available.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nagaremon Prototype

Nagaremon Prototype, originally uploaded by raisinghell.

This is for Toxic Catalyst.
I hope to release a few of these next month.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rokuashi Set for Toxic Catalyst

DSCN0806, originally uploaded by raisinghell.

I made it just in time to send my stuff for the Toxic Catalyst Show at Super7 San Francisco. I'm hoping it will get there in time.
I submitted four pieces including two sets of two.
Two brand new figures will premier and one that was released at SDCC this year.