Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blogged again!

Jeremy at Toycyte posted about the uhoh Toys giveaway at the Kidrobot Forums.
Thanks again Jeremy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Glowing Gus in Box

New contest at KidRobot to giveaway a glowing Gus.
Enter the contest here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Photo Galleries

Added new galleries using Tiltviewer. One for Gus photos and one for the Mr. TeePee archives.
Once in the gallery you can use the arrow keys to navigate or use your mouse.

Check out the galleries in the links to the right.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Box for Gus

Box for Gus

Box design for Gus is done. I need to print a few more and I'll be ready to post them at the store. The contest will probably be next week to mark the drop for these figures.
I'm thinking of giving away an unpainted GID Gus. I'll have to decide if I want to paint it or not.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Two-tone Gus


I've made a few two-tone Gus figures. These are two of the colorways.
I haven't had much time to work lately but the packaging for Gus is almost finished and I have a few more sculpts that are coming together. I plan to have something new out in October for Halloween.

I'll have a new photo gallery up soon.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Painted and Flocked Gus figures

Baby Blue, Purple, Pink, Black, GID

These will be ready soon. If I can get my computer to work for an evening I'll finish the packaging and get these out. I'll kick it all off with another drawing.
Coming soon.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blogged again!

Head over to SpankyStokes and Plastic and Plush and see what they have said about uhoh Toys.


Alternate Pink Print

I made this print for friend but could make it available to any who are interested.
5-1/2" square framed prints are available at the webstore.