Friday, August 29, 2008

New stuff at the store

Put up Micro Mr. TeePee for sale including GID and black.
Also some prints are still available.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Featured on ToyCyte again

Check out the posting on Jeremy's blog.
A big thanks to Jeremy and ToyCyte for giving me unsolicited press and helping my little toy venture along.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Micro Mr. TeePee will drop soon.

Check the webstore soon for the official drop of Micro Mr. TeePee keychains and zipperpulls.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mr. TeePee Customs

If you ordered a blank Mr. TeePee then I'd like to see what you did with it.
I have a few customs I did which I'll post soon. I made an all gold, all silver, and a GID one. Each comes with a suprise. You can see the GID in the last post.
I'm thinking of making a few more blanks because there are some people who I'd like to see work on one.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I've been busy lately working on a film with my friend and haven't gotten to finishing the packaging on Gus.
I'll have some Micro Mr. TeePee's ready to go soon (hopefully this weekend).
I've been experimenting with different castings and making new colors and effects. Metallic and transparent looks pretty cool. I'll post pics soon.
What I hope to have up soon:
1. Micro Mr. TeePee random colors
2. Micro Mr. TeePee GID
3. Gus figure unpainted black prototype
4. Small prints and stencils

Keep on eye out for a new contest.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Micro Mr. TeePee is a hit!

I've given away a few Micro Mr. TeePee's to various people and gotten some positive feedback. I think I'll have them up on the webstore soon.
I also will put up some stencils I've done just to keep the name out there.